Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Street Fighter 4 Tournament

So yesterday night, me and my brother decided to try out skill out at the Street Fighter 4 Tournament at Game Crazy in Oregon City, the only gamecrazy in Oregon to host it. The first place prize was 500 bucks at Game Crazy and second place was a fightstick. Basically that's arcade sticks for your console system.

We showed up and it appeared people pretty intimidated by us; probably because we were Asian and I had on a Super Mario hat and my bro had a meatwad aqua teen hunger force beanie (Not sure how you'd relate that to videogames but you never know). I've always wondered where people go the stereotype that Asians are great at videogames, well I see now from this tournament experience.

After we showed up and scanned around, two Asian guys showed up and all I can say was that I sensed their awesomeness the second they came in. Something about them was just extremely intimidating; perhaps it was that they too were scanning the matches and just scoping out the competition. Anyways, free pizza shows up and the matches were well on their way (it was one match at a time on a about 15 In. tv in a room of about 50-60 people). Not counting my brother and me, there were 3 notable Asians in the room. The first two who I just talked about (and learned later on were brothers), and then a third Asian guy. The two brothers were LEGENDARY with Guile and the third Asian guy was Zangief.

Now me and my bro got this game the day it came out and we were cramming as much time as we could into street fighter. We had never been extreme street fighter pros. Meaning, we never really got into the technical stuff of all the street fighter games until about Street Fighter 3: third strike. However we had only but a few days before the tournament (on the day of getting the game) to train.

I was the first to play and I played as M. Bison, and I'm okay with the guy. I just got down cancels and combos with him and I honestly didn't expect to get through round 1. It seems that there weren't as many pros in the place as I thought. I smashed through the first guy like a piece of cake. He played as Akuma who's philosophy in every game has basically been "I kill fast; I die fast" At first, I thought he was going to pwn me so I just did pulled off everything I knew on the guy. But like I said, piece of cake. My bro went up a few matches later and he played as Sagat, and he kicked but also. It appears that the most notable players here were either Guile, Zangief, Abel, Sagat, or Blanka. There was one other person who used M. Bison and I was sure he was better than me but he was probably around the same skill level as me.

Second round, my bro decided to be Dan, and if you don't know, Dan's basically a mock character. And you wouldn't be him unless you knew how to play as him. My bro played as him because he was in this tournament for the fun and he knew he'd get his butt whooped with dan, but hey, he did have fun. And yes, he did get whooped lol. I played a guy who was Blanka and tried some cheap tactics on me; he tried to get me in a corner and just shock me to death. But meh, I managed to get out of that and beat him. Anyways, to speed this whoel story up, I lost to Zangief, and I KNEW I SHOULDVE BEEN SAGAT. -___-

The first place winners ended up being one of the Asian brothers and a white guy who I may go to school with lol. It appears the top three winners were all friends, which made sense lol. It also made sense that they were so good; they looked like they were in their later 20s, which means they must've been playing forever now and could easily transfer the combos and cancels from previous games to this game.

But man, were they awesome. I should've asked them what other fighting games they played but my bro's probably right in saying "they'd probably reply with 'Everything'"

Aaah, I need to go back to playing games well and live up to the stereotype. That is my purpose!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


So this week, my father decided to go on a vegetarian diet for his Buddhist thing. I TOO DECIDED to go on a no-meat diet for a month. It would be a promise to MYSELF! A SHOW OF WILL POWER!

I started...on Wednesday the 11th, and I actually failed this yesterday. I was with the Viet schools original founder and he called my dad out for dinner. My dad was picking me up from work at the time so I tagged along, and when I was there, MAN! I couldn't wait for awesome veggie food. One dish of awesome fried Tofu and some Lau(sp? lao? Seafood soup) came out. As i reached for the tofu the OF (original founder lawl; btw his name's Tuan) said to me "heeey leave the stuff for your dad! Have some of this soup with me" and I hesitated...

It had only been two days...and I had already broken my decision of no-meat for a month...I'VE FAILED MYSELF! But I've started over. No Meat. So now it's Saturday and I'm back to Day one. Wah. lol THERE ARE SO MANY AWESOME VEGGIE RECIPES! :)

Anyways, that's all for now. Peace.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So on a recent Sunday morning...I went to buy Plan B for a friend of a friend of mine. And let me tell you, I would've never imagined I would be buying conception pills with this friend. Thank goodness I wasn't a part of it but still! I'm out fourty dollars...but having a job helps hahaha.

aaah...I FELT SO BAD. I walked up to the guy to buy em. Also, since I'm 18, I don't need to do anything except show ID. But man, he gave me this look that said " young..." and I felt so sad...:(

OH AND TODAY, I took my Calc mid term. I need to study more! I'm sure I did alright, but...grr...still I'm anxious! And nervous! Aiya

ahaha that's all thuogh. I haven't blogged in a while. :)