Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pandora's Box

A day Late...


Didn't think this would happen until later on.
At least not find someone who I'm compfy around until later on.
It's a good thing :)

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Lately, I've been pondering two subjects. Romantic love and Friendship. And lemme tell ya, Friendship has been harder to think about than RLove. (That's right, RLove)
Everytime I think on it, I just end up with "I haven't experienced it yet. May have come close at some point or THINK I have, but as of right now...nah."

In part, my parents are partly to blame for making me think on this (THE RLove; not the friendship). They think I'm totally in love because someone else thinks they're in love. My parents just put two and two together. Well, I'M NOT. But it's still a nice subject to jolt my brain into thinking. I've KNOWN I've never been in love. That's just [bleep]ing ridiculous. I'm 19, for goodness sakes.

Friendship, on the other hand has just like BLOOSSSHHHHHH head explosion. I feel like I only have at most, five people I can really consider friends. Of these five, I consider three people to be closest to me. And of these three, one I have a somewhat of a bias towards because...well it's like dancing over a friendship/more-than-friendship line. And dances back and fourth, on and off. Pisses mee offfff! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! ROAR! Not that I'm complaining though :D

Anyways. You might be asking as to why I've been pondering these things. It's because I've forced myself into wondering what a best friend is to me. In terms of a genuine best friend, I only have one. And then I have two very close friends, if that makes sense. I guess there's been a couple people in the last few months with whom I've totally questioned my friendship with. In the end, I've come up with...contradicting thoughts. I'm basically at a dead end. I guess I need more time with these two people to really see. Eh.

Let's go back to RLove, shall we? I've always thought of my views on it to be...well, at the least I've always thought of myself as being a fairly loyal person. So when I- ya know what. Forget this subject. lol It's pretty hot and my brains slowly shutting down. I'll JUST LEAVE IT AT THIS. THIS HORRIBLE VAGUE LAME ANSWER: It takes two people to love; it only takes one to obsess. BAJOOYAH!

Mmm. Wow this blog sucks uuber balls. If I thought about my old blogs...well in comparison to this they were awesome! GAH! LAMMMEEEEE...

Hmm. I should move on to a matter that's been pressing me. It's over...something I should feel guilty about. Rather, I DO! Just... I don't feel very guilty. Maybe it's like Agustin described as him putting himself in between two Kamehamehas. Hahah.And that is what justifies my actions and how I feel about them. Haha Scotty doesn't random :P Maybe it's true that things never ended between me and her. It's...just such a huge mess. All of it. Now things have calmed down and the tigers have permission to be unleashed out of their cage. I still think that although he's being a tad of a jerk; he should really self-reflect. Things could've been different. Well, they also could be worse! lol.

MMmmm. I didn't really go over anything in this blog. How uuber gay. My brain sucks for crap now. TIME TO GO INTO MEDITATION. THIS HERMIT CRAB SHALL BE A HERMIT CRAB!

A hermit crab who gets to have a LITTLE bit of fun too ;]

Forever The Sickest Kid - She's A Lady

^ This song. AWESOME!

SO. A lot has happened since I've last posted. I mean a LOT! Unfortunately,I don't want to go into detail too much.

I suppose for a few things I should feel guilty for. I kinda do. Kinda don't. The situation's foggy. Grr. Now things are like asdfjkhofnoaedngianl. I can't even describe on here. Wah.

My raw-food diet has kinda been on the fail side, but on the bright side of that fail I lost like 6 pounds. :)

I'm GOING TO VIETNAM ON AUGUST 21st! I'm going to get souvenirs for....FOUR PEOPLE :D
I'm excited! I'm going with my brother! Bwahahah we're like packing up on our psp and music stuff to prep for the car ride. I'll probably do the notebook (write "DEAR ______") again this time too. Grr.This stinks caboodle. I come back on the 13th; a week before school starts! Ah, this year is going to be crazy. Err, this UPCOMING year.

Man, this last year has been so hectic. I've dealt with crap pretty badly. Heck, really, with everything I've just done a terrible job. I think I really have to up my ante now. Especially if I want to go to OSU :( Although right nowI can hardly consider this college life.If anything it's like highschool, but worse.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Oh man.

Working out. Going to work. School. Personal problems. Personal Boy Projects.
Makes me very tired at the end of the day.

This hermit crab needs to find a shell to inhabit again.
Not only that but needs to talk to the only person who gets this. :D

AND YES Breathe is a neat-o song :D

I don't think I'll sleep today. Test tomorrow.

Man. I miss the old days. Kinda.
I think I'll hit the bank tomorrow haha wow I dunno if that's sad or good for me... :o

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


is going to be a long day.

But at least I'm getting out this week.
I feel....slumped.