Saturday, July 25, 2009

Forever The Sickest Kid - She's A Lady

^ This song. AWESOME!

SO. A lot has happened since I've last posted. I mean a LOT! Unfortunately,I don't want to go into detail too much.

I suppose for a few things I should feel guilty for. I kinda do. Kinda don't. The situation's foggy. Grr. Now things are like asdfjkhofnoaedngianl. I can't even describe on here. Wah.

My raw-food diet has kinda been on the fail side, but on the bright side of that fail I lost like 6 pounds. :)

I'm GOING TO VIETNAM ON AUGUST 21st! I'm going to get souvenirs for....FOUR PEOPLE :D
I'm excited! I'm going with my brother! Bwahahah we're like packing up on our psp and music stuff to prep for the car ride. I'll probably do the notebook (write "DEAR ______") again this time too. Grr.This stinks caboodle. I come back on the 13th; a week before school starts! Ah, this year is going to be crazy. Err, this UPCOMING year.

Man, this last year has been so hectic. I've dealt with crap pretty badly. Heck, really, with everything I've just done a terrible job. I think I really have to up my ante now. Especially if I want to go to OSU :( Although right nowI can hardly consider this college life.If anything it's like highschool, but worse.


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