Saturday, January 2, 2010

More of the same.

So I've noticed that I didn't make a reflection-blog this year. I guess I've gotten too old for such a thing now haha. OH WELL. Doesn't mean I won't make one for future purposes though.

So today I got to hang out with Catalina and Daniel And Jennifer and "other people". BUT THEY WERE MOST IMPORTANT. It was a jolly good laughing time. About the strangest things. OH YEAH. NOTE TO SELF: TALK TO THAO ABOUT HER PERFECT GUY LIST. Waaay too ridiculous.

Also Phu actually pissed me off for a full 3 seconds today. All I remember was it was condescending and she was saying how I shuold be pissed and try to prove her wrong academically. And in those 3 seconds I did feel it. I felt everything. Cuss words flew through my mind. Anger flew. And a chance to prove her wrong and prove to myself that I was capable of being at least a decent person will-power wise! And then I felt guilt for feeling such a strong hate. But it felt kinda good. And I do wanna prove her wrong. And prove to myself that I'm able to bring out the best in myself. GRR.

Also. Is it wrong to have people be your motivation? I used to think so. I used to think that I alone should be my only motivation. For some reason that's not proving to be enough. I guess my heart's not into it. Not into me.

And yet hearing Phu saying that she feels disappointed in me...well I don't generally like to let friends down. So I guess this is what I'll have to do! Blargh. Waay too late in life to be working so hard. Blarghies.


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