Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Finals Week

So as many of you know, I'm a procrastinator. Actually, scratch out that part, because many of you DON'T know because, well, uhh, this is posted on blogspot and I dunno anyone besides Julian who uses it haha. But then again you could wander off... into my blog spot. OH YEAH, I started a blogspot as you can obviously see haha. I'll just post my old blogs at the bottom and then...actually, eff that. I'll leave my old blogs on my myspace. THIS WILL BE A NEW HAVEN FOR BLOGS!!!

Moving on, this past week, due to my procrastination I basically typed up a 10 page, single-spaced, paper on Stem cells. I didn't sleep. But if anyone knows of my doings...That's not too normal, EXCEPT instead of talking and hanging out with someone in the morning, I'm sitting typing next to a mexican body that moves like a corpse. But "Corpses don't move?" you ask. Well guess what? Agustin DOESN'T move when he sleeps. It's pretty creepy lol.

I'm pretty sad about finals, I did bad on my speeches because I forgot to do an outline which is a difference between a A speech and a C speech so excuse the upcoming random load of letters: OHFUIOAJNFJKBFIHBHKJANJKFBJKIBFQUIOWJIOPQMQO{DM.

Thank you. My computer science class; I got an 88% so woo! lol 450 point final. Cer-azyyyy.
Tomorrow I've got my two finals for my two different general engineering classes. It's from 12-to and 4-6. T_T


Oh, I totally forgot to introduce myself to any new person who just found this blog. My name is JonVu. The only thing I've been 100% passionate about it appears is penspinning. If you don't know what it is, look it up! I guarantee you'll have not seen anything like it before, unless you hang around me haaa. Hmm, what else...I'm Vietnamese...I used to be quite the philisophical thinker. I'm not sure what happened; my best friend Phu (her real names Linda) blames it on girls...to which I agree haha. My kryptonite T_T

I've never been much of an over-achiever, but I'm hoping to get my act together. Especially next term since I've signed up for calculus 2 at CCC. Bah-humbug!

Kay, that's all for now, dudes and dudettes!

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