My sister is irritating me more and more every day. So fuggin’ spoiled ROAR! I mean she’s in my dad’s viet class and not only does she not pay attention she just makes crap in there. Talk about disrespect. TO OUR OWN PAPA! And goin’ on about how she doesn’t wanna learn Vietnamese at all or want to spend the next year at the school. And then the lies on what she does with her lunch money and the way she talks to the parents. Buddhadamn younger generations. See it everywhere. I mean it’s like when maryann on sunday was like “if my mom called on me as a teacher I’d just be like ‘fuck you’”. I mean honestly? Spoiled kids ftmfl. OH am I glad to those that are younger than me that are fine. Although the only ones coming to mind is like…Well if you’re younger than me and you go to vietschool and I say hi to you and make jokes then you’re probably just gravy.
Blah. She needs to learn to know what the fuck its like to work for your money or even the value of a dollar. Hell she needs to know what it’s like to be our dad and come home to a daughter like her. Blahx2!@ If our parents don’t kick her out when she crosses the next line I certainly will.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
I totally
Friday, April 2, 2010
Tora Dora
Me and my brother watched exactly 20 episodes of this yesterday and finished it. It was amazing. AH... ROMANTIC COMEDY ANIMES. I LOVEEEEE THEMMMMMM.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Nice guys. And other things.
Ya know. After a discussion with Agustin today I had a few thoughts that I'd like to jot down before I forget them. Or really what I've had on my mind and just was too lazy to put down until now.
The concept of "Nice guys finish last". I've never seen something as so corrupt a thought as the general conception of the "nice guy." I think ideally at best a guy (for the sake of this blog we'll just use guy instead of humans in general" can feel or come across...I guess the evils of the world/the 7 deadly sins and choose to not want to corrupt anyone else of these evils. I don't think there's a single nice guy out there who isn't lustful or hateful; it's just he knows how to control these things well. The popular misconception being a deep down-to-earth guy who does somehow-truly-selfless deeds with and for no means of wanting to get into a girl's pants.
And another thing about "Nice guys' who finish last. Ya know why they finish last? It's not out of niceness persay or courtesy to a fellow competitor of a young maiden's heart. NOOOOOOOooooooo. It's just they lack something. Most of the time it's MANHOOD. And perhaps that's what niceness brings: a compassion for all beings with a sense of selflessness. AKA NO BALLS TO GAIN FOR YOURSELF. Sometimes it's not courage; it may be that you're just one boring motherfucker. Could be that you have no aspirations and opening doors for your friends is just one of those weird inept things you can't help but do. Actually this topic is too big really for me to want to explain it all...There's much more to it. I mean be honest. Girls don't want a nice guy. They want more than just a nice guy. It's such a easy thought. They may want someone book-smart or independent or determined.
Of course I speak out of personal experience and the experience of various acquaintances throughout high school and three dudes I happen to hang out with now. Chances are if you're reading this you've heard and have seen at least one of those three people. OR YOU MAY EVEN BE ONE OF THOSE THREE. I can obviously name a major flaw in the three guys that I would say would've been their downfall in their relationships and I can definitely choose a million in myself. Well not a million maybe a couple that I would say would be my drastic downfall. And maybe that's not just a major flaw but really out of lack of experience. OR BOTH. OR MAYBE JUST MAYBE this whole discussion has been retarded and I'm only writing this to give you something to flare up in your brain. Lol. And as for the three guys well I can't say I can truly name a major flaw. Or neither can I hold any judgment on their taste in people. I mean take a look at myself. HORRIBLE. But experience helps with that doesn't it? Plus I mean it's kinda hard to fight sexual tension when it's so easy to grasp at times. :P Haha I JEST.
If sexual pressure was the main aim of "nice guys" well...well actually it kinda is. I suppose it's anyone's aim to find someone they care and feel for enough to have that level of comfort to have sex with them.
Really my point is "nice guys finish last" is a flawed statement. It's just the same as saying "Hot girls finish first" or "Asian guys love rice". A very general statement which raelyl I should've stated at the beginning...
Man do I digress...I had so little sleep today. I was up until like three in the morning learning some penspinning moves. And then Ashley texts me. And then we talk for about half an hour. Man is she stressed. With a horrible papa and a quick-to-act angry bf and falling study habits which may not have been too great to begin with imo. She is not doing too well overall it seems. I was the third person she called that night; I hope I cheered her up. Blarghies. I wish the best for her; I really do hope things turn out for her soon. I sometimes wonder if she's just one of those people who have to get down to a near dangerously unhealthy mental state before they pick themselves up. I unno. :/
OH. Yesterday I was talking to Phu and I was talking about how grateful I am to my parents. How their years of trying to get a message to me and failing and their hard work I've finally come to aknowledge with my lame ass. Her reply? She said I was growing. And that it was sexy. Dumbfounded I thought to myself "Does Phu even know what the word sexy means?" Haha. Same ol' Phu :]
AND AGUSTIN. Is probably the absolute worst influence on me now. Which is ironic. I probably was a horrible influence on him academics-wise and now it's come back to bite me in the ass. And phu. You were right. AGUSTIN TRIED TO CONVINCE ME TO SKIP THE FIRST DAY OF CHEMISTRY TO MEET NHUNA. FOR PAPAYA SALAD. Good thing I didn't go with him. One) I needed the course ID to do online hw which was given out in class and two) I found out the cute girl I sat next to last term is still in the same class. And who I sat next to. Again. Which is pretty weird in retrospect but I mean I guess everyone just took their normal seats so MEH. BUT I'm sure Agustin eventually wouldn't have let me skip...AT LEAST I THINK I'M SURE YOU BASTARD AGUSTIN.
I should work out soon. AND STUDY SOON. AND DO HOMEWORK. Mmm. SO much to do...
Man In the last two years I've gotten to be sooo anti-social. Blarghies. Although I'm quite comfortable with this. Keenan suggests most people at ccc don't appear to be friendly is because most of them are on their way out; to get in and out as soon as possible. I think that's true of me.
The concept of "Nice guys finish last". I've never seen something as so corrupt a thought as the general conception of the "nice guy." I think ideally at best a guy (for the sake of this blog we'll just use guy instead of humans in general" can feel or come across...I guess the evils of the world/the 7 deadly sins and choose to not want to corrupt anyone else of these evils. I don't think there's a single nice guy out there who isn't lustful or hateful; it's just he knows how to control these things well. The popular misconception being a deep down-to-earth guy who does somehow-truly-selfless deeds with and for no means of wanting to get into a girl's pants.
And another thing about "Nice guys' who finish last. Ya know why they finish last? It's not out of niceness persay or courtesy to a fellow competitor of a young maiden's heart. NOOOOOOOooooooo. It's just they lack something. Most of the time it's MANHOOD. And perhaps that's what niceness brings: a compassion for all beings with a sense of selflessness. AKA NO BALLS TO GAIN FOR YOURSELF. Sometimes it's not courage; it may be that you're just one boring motherfucker. Could be that you have no aspirations and opening doors for your friends is just one of those weird inept things you can't help but do. Actually this topic is too big really for me to want to explain it all...There's much more to it. I mean be honest. Girls don't want a nice guy. They want more than just a nice guy. It's such a easy thought. They may want someone book-smart or independent or determined.
Of course I speak out of personal experience and the experience of various acquaintances throughout high school and three dudes I happen to hang out with now. Chances are if you're reading this you've heard and have seen at least one of those three people. OR YOU MAY EVEN BE ONE OF THOSE THREE. I can obviously name a major flaw in the three guys that I would say would've been their downfall in their relationships and I can definitely choose a million in myself. Well not a million maybe a couple that I would say would be my drastic downfall. And maybe that's not just a major flaw but really out of lack of experience. OR BOTH. OR MAYBE JUST MAYBE this whole discussion has been retarded and I'm only writing this to give you something to flare up in your brain. Lol. And as for the three guys well I can't say I can truly name a major flaw. Or neither can I hold any judgment on their taste in people. I mean take a look at myself. HORRIBLE. But experience helps with that doesn't it? Plus I mean it's kinda hard to fight sexual tension when it's so easy to grasp at times. :P Haha I JEST.
If sexual pressure was the main aim of "nice guys" well...well actually it kinda is. I suppose it's anyone's aim to find someone they care and feel for enough to have that level of comfort to have sex with them.
Really my point is "nice guys finish last" is a flawed statement. It's just the same as saying "Hot girls finish first" or "Asian guys love rice". A very general statement which raelyl I should've stated at the beginning...
Man do I digress...I had so little sleep today. I was up until like three in the morning learning some penspinning moves. And then Ashley texts me. And then we talk for about half an hour. Man is she stressed. With a horrible papa and a quick-to-act angry bf and falling study habits which may not have been too great to begin with imo. She is not doing too well overall it seems. I was the third person she called that night; I hope I cheered her up. Blarghies. I wish the best for her; I really do hope things turn out for her soon. I sometimes wonder if she's just one of those people who have to get down to a near dangerously unhealthy mental state before they pick themselves up. I unno. :/
OH. Yesterday I was talking to Phu and I was talking about how grateful I am to my parents. How their years of trying to get a message to me and failing and their hard work I've finally come to aknowledge with my lame ass. Her reply? She said I was growing. And that it was sexy. Dumbfounded I thought to myself "Does Phu even know what the word sexy means?" Haha. Same ol' Phu :]
AND AGUSTIN. Is probably the absolute worst influence on me now. Which is ironic. I probably was a horrible influence on him academics-wise and now it's come back to bite me in the ass. And phu. You were right. AGUSTIN TRIED TO CONVINCE ME TO SKIP THE FIRST DAY OF CHEMISTRY TO MEET NHUNA. FOR PAPAYA SALAD. Good thing I didn't go with him. One) I needed the course ID to do online hw which was given out in class and two) I found out the cute girl I sat next to last term is still in the same class. And who I sat next to. Again. Which is pretty weird in retrospect but I mean I guess everyone just took their normal seats so MEH. BUT I'm sure Agustin eventually wouldn't have let me skip...AT LEAST I THINK I'M SURE YOU BASTARD AGUSTIN.
I should work out soon. AND STUDY SOON. AND DO HOMEWORK. Mmm. SO much to do...
Man In the last two years I've gotten to be sooo anti-social. Blarghies. Although I'm quite comfortable with this. Keenan suggests most people at ccc don't appear to be friendly is because most of them are on their way out; to get in and out as soon as possible. I think that's true of me.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
It certainly has been a while.
I'm sure that Phu is reading this expecthign to to be purely entertaining...SO for that reason alone this will be the most boring entry yet. So today I went to put on a pair of socks that were ridiculously and incredibly soft. SO SOFT and yet restraining like they weren't elastic enough and-
Just kidding! Why the heck would I type about my socks? :P
Well actually at this point I don't think I have so much more to say other than what I've told you already...
I started working out last week. That was a fairly surprising experience; I ended up getting off the treadmill feeling AWESOME! Didn't really know what was so crazy about working the legs. I then walked over to my stairway to go downstairs and I jumped down to run down it. My surprise came when my legs gave out and I ended up falling and slipping down the stairs. Now if you can imagine that you will only laugh. Or at least chuckle. Smile? Smile!
Working out and focusing on school. Basically the only two goals I've got as of now. Although the second one is an extension of one of many steps to show my dad I've started to at least get a bit more serious about school.
Other than that though I can't really think of anything new...Life's just...going. WORK IS BORING. I'm excited for school. Along with meeting up with a few friends I haven't seen in a couple of months.
I dunno what else to type. PHU HAD BETTER UPDATE HER BLOG. I'm gonig to get bored on here! Her and Julian's blgs are the only interesting ones D:
Oh man. Work tomorrow :(
Aaah and to start on bio yay :)
Just kidding! Why the heck would I type about my socks? :P
Well actually at this point I don't think I have so much more to say other than what I've told you already...
I started working out last week. That was a fairly surprising experience; I ended up getting off the treadmill feeling AWESOME! Didn't really know what was so crazy about working the legs. I then walked over to my stairway to go downstairs and I jumped down to run down it. My surprise came when my legs gave out and I ended up falling and slipping down the stairs. Now if you can imagine that you will only laugh. Or at least chuckle. Smile? Smile!
Working out and focusing on school. Basically the only two goals I've got as of now. Although the second one is an extension of one of many steps to show my dad I've started to at least get a bit more serious about school.
Other than that though I can't really think of anything new...Life's just...going. WORK IS BORING. I'm excited for school. Along with meeting up with a few friends I haven't seen in a couple of months.
I dunno what else to type. PHU HAD BETTER UPDATE HER BLOG. I'm gonig to get bored on here! Her and Julian's blgs are the only interesting ones D:
Oh man. Work tomorrow :(
Aaah and to start on bio yay :)
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Breaking the Habit
No, not the Linkin Park song but I can easily think of the song and how nice it is haha. It does however relate.
Hmm. A1! I haven't really talked too much about that whole shebang with anyone. So I guess I'll just put a tiny tidbit here. Lately, I've been waiting to fall into my own little relapse (Since someone else certainly has hah!). In the past, it seemed that when I didn't want to be around her or I was making progress towards being away from her I would eventually fall into a relapse. The type that's totally Dramedy-cliche in the whole "Ah crap I've found out again why I like her so darn much! Phooey!" Lately...It's been waning towards possibly erupting.
But that's the thing.
It's never waned towards. Usually I've had the feeling just dive in and have myself swooning in no time. Now, I'm just...I dunno. It all lies under the three-strikes thing I've trying to propose to myself. That with A1 there were 3 strikes where after the third, I just decided to leave everything be and just move on in life. Don't get me wrong I'm not exactly what you call "over" her. But I'm certainly walking the road. But as many comedy shows would say "Those feelings don't just go away without a trace." That's a matter of debate. But no tangent!
Agustin lately has me wanting to punch him in the face. Although I have totally been an ass to him lately lol. He doesn't bother me as much as I exagerate to him. He's just been in that relapse since Saturday. The day I shall call...THE TURNING OF THE TIDE. Mmm Good name.
I've lately just been actually studying and working on my ukulele. AND I've been working on expanding my knowledge of the world around me. I need to start working out too. D:
Ah. I like now. The present seems like such a gift compared to earlier years. I look forward to weeksdays for school. I likeee school. I completely dread the weekends because of WORK. D: HATE IT. Ish. Gets me money :)
OH! I've completley become an otaku which if you don't know is given below:
Otaku (おたく/オタク?) is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, manga, and video games.
Just that's all I can say. It's horrible. I'M NOT GETTING A LOVE PILLOW THOUGH.
School way funn today. :] I spent a couple hours with Ashley at the library today which was where the idea for this blog came from. It's good to laugh again. Her and Keenan and Phu and Cat and Agustin. People I can easily get a really good laugh with.
Hmm. A1! I haven't really talked too much about that whole shebang with anyone. So I guess I'll just put a tiny tidbit here. Lately, I've been waiting to fall into my own little relapse (Since someone else certainly has hah!). In the past, it seemed that when I didn't want to be around her or I was making progress towards being away from her I would eventually fall into a relapse. The type that's totally Dramedy-cliche in the whole "Ah crap I've found out again why I like her so darn much! Phooey!" Lately...It's been waning towards possibly erupting.
But that's the thing.
It's never waned towards. Usually I've had the feeling just dive in and have myself swooning in no time. Now, I'm just...I dunno. It all lies under the three-strikes thing I've trying to propose to myself. That with A1 there were 3 strikes where after the third, I just decided to leave everything be and just move on in life. Don't get me wrong I'm not exactly what you call "over" her. But I'm certainly walking the road. But as many comedy shows would say "Those feelings don't just go away without a trace." That's a matter of debate. But no tangent!
Agustin lately has me wanting to punch him in the face. Although I have totally been an ass to him lately lol. He doesn't bother me as much as I exagerate to him. He's just been in that relapse since Saturday. The day I shall call...THE TURNING OF THE TIDE. Mmm Good name.
I've lately just been actually studying and working on my ukulele. AND I've been working on expanding my knowledge of the world around me. I need to start working out too. D:
Ah. I like now. The present seems like such a gift compared to earlier years. I look forward to weeksdays for school. I likeee school. I completely dread the weekends because of WORK. D: HATE IT. Ish. Gets me money :)
OH! I've completley become an otaku which if you don't know is given below:
Otaku (おたく/オタク?) is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly anime, manga, and video games.
Just that's all I can say. It's horrible. I'M NOT GETTING A LOVE PILLOW THOUGH.
School way funn today. :] I spent a couple hours with Ashley at the library today which was where the idea for this blog came from. It's good to laugh again. Her and Keenan and Phu and Cat and Agustin. People I can easily get a really good laugh with.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
I don't really have any except for the following:
1. Get good at the Ukulele
2. Do well in school (To the point where I don't think "AH WHAT A CRAP TERM")
I can't really think of anything else...
Plan for OSU? But that's not really a goal as it is something on a to-do list.
Hm. -shrugs-
1. Get good at the Ukulele
2. Do well in school (To the point where I don't think "AH WHAT A CRAP TERM")
I can't really think of anything else...
Plan for OSU? But that's not really a goal as it is something on a to-do list.
Hm. -shrugs-
Saturday, January 2, 2010
It was a little...for lack of a better word: weird that Phu got interested about my "baking" life. Or rather after I made some weird comment on "baking" all night. Haha. Mmm curiosity killed the cat!
More of the same.
So I've noticed that I didn't make a reflection-blog this year. I guess I've gotten too old for such a thing now haha. OH WELL. Doesn't mean I won't make one for future purposes though.
So today I got to hang out with Catalina and Daniel And Jennifer and "other people". BUT THEY WERE MOST IMPORTANT. It was a jolly good laughing time. About the strangest things. OH YEAH. NOTE TO SELF: TALK TO THAO ABOUT HER PERFECT GUY LIST. Waaay too ridiculous.
Also Phu actually pissed me off for a full 3 seconds today. All I remember was it was condescending and she was saying how I shuold be pissed and try to prove her wrong academically. And in those 3 seconds I did feel it. I felt everything. Cuss words flew through my mind. Anger flew. And a chance to prove her wrong and prove to myself that I was capable of being at least a decent person will-power wise! And then I felt guilt for feeling such a strong hate. But it felt kinda good. And I do wanna prove her wrong. And prove to myself that I'm able to bring out the best in myself. GRR.
Also. Is it wrong to have people be your motivation? I used to think so. I used to think that I alone should be my only motivation. For some reason that's not proving to be enough. I guess my heart's not into it. Not into me.
And yet hearing Phu saying that she feels disappointed in me...well I don't generally like to let friends down. So I guess this is what I'll have to do! Blargh. Waay too late in life to be working so hard. Blarghies.
So today I got to hang out with Catalina and Daniel And Jennifer and "other people". BUT THEY WERE MOST IMPORTANT. It was a jolly good laughing time. About the strangest things. OH YEAH. NOTE TO SELF: TALK TO THAO ABOUT HER PERFECT GUY LIST. Waaay too ridiculous.
Also Phu actually pissed me off for a full 3 seconds today. All I remember was it was condescending and she was saying how I shuold be pissed and try to prove her wrong academically. And in those 3 seconds I did feel it. I felt everything. Cuss words flew through my mind. Anger flew. And a chance to prove her wrong and prove to myself that I was capable of being at least a decent person will-power wise! And then I felt guilt for feeling such a strong hate. But it felt kinda good. And I do wanna prove her wrong. And prove to myself that I'm able to bring out the best in myself. GRR.
Also. Is it wrong to have people be your motivation? I used to think so. I used to think that I alone should be my only motivation. For some reason that's not proving to be enough. I guess my heart's not into it. Not into me.
And yet hearing Phu saying that she feels disappointed in me...well I don't generally like to let friends down. So I guess this is what I'll have to do! Blargh. Waay too late in life to be working so hard. Blarghies.
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