Sunday, June 28, 2009

The 28th

I have a few things on my mind so I'll just let them spill. Yes? YES.

-I saw "He's Just Not That Into You" today. I love that movie lol. If you haven't seen it I recommend it. LOOK UP A TRAILER RIGHT NOW! At the least I thought it was pretty lovely and pretty realistic. Ish. It's just...I dunno I liked it. I even liked the soundtrack

-I'm starting a raw foods diet. With the exception of a few vegetable soups. It's mainly just fruits and vegetables. Kinda...I dunno but the only way it'll work is to convince my parents to stop making asian food lol. My dad and bro are for it!

-I don't get you. Meeting you at first was quite pleasant but it dawned on me at some point that you were a broken person. And at hte time I wanted to get you all patched up ANY way possible. At the time I wouldn't even have minded if I got burned somehow in that process. Now... I want to say I don't give a shit. I want to say I don't care and I'm done with you for a while until I can get over this huge sack of shit that you keep giving out to people. But...I can't say that. Nor can I truly believe that is really how I want to do things. And that's because...well. Hmm. Lemme think abuot this.

*leaves to think for about 15 minutes*

I don't think I ever told you but I did and still do consider you my best friend. At the same time after recent events I don't want to talk to you. I don't even know for how long I don't want to bu I do know that this feeling contradicts the thought that I want my best friends in my life. Bah. This is pathetic.

- Oh yeah. I bought a freakin' shirt. It's awesome. I love it. It's a niceguy shirt. :)

-My lord I'm retarded.

-You know what? You effed up. I have no sympathy for you cuz you SHOULD have known what you were getting yourself into. I told you shit and you still had to go through. And now it's so fucking weird for you to feel the same way. Ugh. You are a fuckin' idiot. I'm an idiot too for posting this here. Why I can't message this to you or say it to your face I do not know. Probably because it jsut sounds so fucking mean.

-I have work tomorrow. This sucks. Goodnight.

-I miss talking to Phu -__-

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