Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A little update.

So me and one of what I consider my closest friends (His names Keenan) have decided to set up a rewards system for good grades on tests. We've decided that we are only going to go to Mojo Crepes on an occasion given by an A on a test. So if we have 5 classes and there are five midterms five As will give us five chances to go to Mojo Crepes! If we get a C or below then the other must bestow a slap. I belive our chart was something like this:
C = 1 slap
D = 2 slaps
F = 4 slaps

And these can be distributed at any given time from that test until summer time. So they're pretty much similar as the rewards whereas they are:
A = One occasion to go to Mojo Crepes

Haha. I think it's going to be lovely if say Keenan gets an A in one class and like two C's. Because then we'll go to Mojo Crepes to celebrate and then I'LL SLAP HIM. Bwahhaa TWICE. I'm pretty excited for this :) Of course I should be scared for myself also...bwhahaha

I also kinda find it sad that we're using food as an incentive for good academic behavior haha. OH! That reminds me I need to work on a goals list. Grr.

That's okay acutally I've done that before a BUNCH of times.

Anyways that's all.


TODAY I WAS LATE IN MEETING PHU AT THE LIBRARY! I FEEL HORRRIBLLEEE. So instead I had to go with Agustin, Lisa, and Ashley. Now as of late, I don't really like being around Ashley. Well not that it's just neither Ashley nor I have made any effort to really talk to each other. I mean I've sent her texts and maybe called a couple times in the last month. Usually she replies once with a text and stops there. And I think half the times I've called (twice lol) she's only returned one call..and I think both times I called were to return her calling me...Anyways, I dunno. I never thuoght I'd be sick of her...I mean we stopped talking ever since she got a boyfriend. I dunno maybe her boyfriend got tired of hearing about her hanging out with me. It's not that we hung out actually we just sometimes got coffee during her lunch or something else pretty small. And Despite all this, I actually don't mind. I think we should've treated each other like exes a long time ago. I always thought it was weird when somethign happened between me and her and the next day it wouldn't be awkawrd. Because it SHUOLD be awkward. Having two people meet and both being awkawrd aknowledges that something happened. Not having it awkward is just...ignoring it, at least in our case.

I mean today when she told me she was going to PSU I almsot was a little happy. Then she said she wasn't sure and I was happy then too. Because for some reason I have this little tidbit that when I go to OSU Phu isn't going to have time to talk to me! :( lol. Weird fear huh? And...I used to be close with Ashley. REALLY close. Today was just a little weird going shopping and talking with her. It's like talking to an old friend who used to know you well. You count on what you remember and hope they haven't changed. Anyways. I dunno. This is how it's been between me and her. Something happens. Maybe an argument or some fallingout and we don't talk. We may message each other or maybe start a small AIM conversation but in this perido of time there's minimal contact. And then we start talking again out of nowhere. And it's good talking; we talk and laugh and it's similar to Phu and I actually. I guess though...I'm sick of it. I'm sick of being close to Ashley and then not being close. I remember she had this goal of not pushing me away this year. Hoo boy.

I think I can officially say that for the first time since I've admitted to liking her, I can say that I'm starting to get over her, and let me tell you: It's been a long time since then.

I guess now I just need some time to myself. And a booty call. But mainly the first one haha.

I do feel guilt though. On the ride to picking up Lisa I hardly talked to Ashley. But when Lisa got into the car I started talking and yammering on and on. I guess it's cause I don't know what to say to Ashley. As much as I hate to say it: At this point, she's more my ex than a best friend. Or even a close friend. Which is unfortunate because we did used to be close. Actually close. Oh memory lane. You need some governement funds to clean you up.

What's funny is today she made an old inside joke about us ...uh...ahem "baking". At first I thought it was childish to even still talk about it. But at the same time she made a pretty funny joke haha. I had to laugh! For the future though, I have to learn to keep myself in check. Because if there are chances of us hanging out for a long period of time, I have to be sure to not find the reasons for which I liked her in the first place which I've done a fair amount of times in the past. Her sense of humor I've just always loved. Bah. Curses!

Oh boy this is a long blog. Haha Phu must be so happy!

Also. Today talking to Lisa was totally a good thing. I never have in the past gotten to know her well enough to realize she has her own individual personality and interests and so on. She's quite the neat-o person :)

Ah I hope it snows tomorrow. Then I won't have to go to work :)

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