Monday, December 28, 2009

Untitled [yet. ROUGH DRAFT]

Just a rough draft of a poem. Stuff I made based on a little feud thing yesterday.

I made a mistake today.
I sneezed.
I let the germs slip out the tip of my-
I let LOOSE a monster within that I've been trying so hard to hold in.

A small little monster born in the depths of my mind out of reflex,
Somewhere between the frontal lobes and the cerebral cortex.
A malevolent, poisonous bundle of fluctuating EMOTION-Cells;
growing into a fatal form doing harm to all that come in contact.
With a bulk supply of resistance-enforced genes it leans towards being in the 99th percentile of most deadly viruses;

After being born it moves quickly about
trying to find a way out
It scorches throughout my body starting from the blood in my cheeks
down to my central arteries heating up my whole body.
But this is not the worst symptom; No far from it.
It rustles on the HATE-Cells that have nestled in my muscles
finding nutrients helping it's ability to reproduce
It's most fatal once it reaches my vocal chords
growing into a horde
for at first it is held back by the rough antibodies in my body
But if they are not strong enough; not made out of the right stuff
then the monster bursts out my mouth like a golden snitch straight out of a Harry Potter novel and harming the first person it comes in contact with pleasingly
AND I WISH...I paid more attention to my mother who always said to cover my mouth when sneezing.
And as it enters another host it does what any other virus does:
Transcribes and transcodes boring out more of itself out of your frontal lobe.
The process starts anew; and soon you're sneezing on me as much as I am on you.

It's a disgusting exchange of hundreds of germs.
But see these germs I've been describing aren't really germs that infect but rather words that hurt.
Try to stay alert...
For in germs and in hurtful words we are never courteous.

Words I ususally held back with the bite of my tongue
Words too harsh that come straight from my mind

Tired of being pushed instead of let in.
I'm tired of pushing instead of reavealing what's within when
I know that all we are doing is wielding a power.
Perhaps it's because of the fluctuat

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