Monday, December 28, 2009

Staff kids

So today after work I went to see Jennifer, Agustin, and Julian, and JUSTIN! at Lloyd center today. I half-hated it and half-liked it. I hated it because Lloyd center is SO FAR AWAY AND I HATE THE PARKING AND ROAR! This actually ties in with my last blog since it was on these horrible rides to and from that I talked to Phu haha.

Anyways It's come to my attention that my generation of staff kids appear to be the last generation of staff kids. Lawl. We're only the second generation. According to Jennifer the (what I consider at least) 4th generation shouldn't really call each other "fam" because they're all so fake to each other. Which is ridiculous. My generation seems to be more bonded just because we just all grew up with each other. It's kinda sad considering that only means staff kids die off at 2nd generation. My sister and her group I consider to be 3rd generation but they've always kinda been a side group of my generation it seems. And if we die they die. I've kinda hated the idea of adding peopel to our staff kids group. Not that we're major elitists or anything but it's just that the bond is there for a reason. Prevents trivial drama. When Kim came in I remember so much crap starting which I thought in general was stupid. I mean me and Phu have fought in the past but usually it goes away super quckly. With Kim it was like weeks of grudges and rumors and whispers. It was just...stupid. With everyone we've always been direct with each other. If I wanted to ask Stephen something I'd just ask him. I wouldn't go around sneaking around.

The 2nd generation of staff kids I consider to be the following people:
Julian Phan
Stephen Phan
Alan Phan
Phu/Linda Nguyen
Lisa Tran
Daniel Nguyen
**Michelle Nguyen (young but she's been in it since the beginning)
**Jennifer Ha (Also young; hasn't been in since the beginning BUT SHOULD HAVE BEEN)
Catalina Vu
*Vivi Vu (Good link to 3rd gen)

Those with Asterisks (*) I consider to be 2nd generation by default but 3rd due to age and how they carry on to the 3rd generation. Those with (**)I think are links to 2nd,3rd, and 4th generation staff kids.

3rd generation I consider to be the following:
Thao Phan
Christine Nguyen
Vivi Vu
Michelle Nguyen
Jennifer Ha
Mary Ann
Daniel (gracie's brother)

Half of these people will grow up to be the older of the 4th generation. I'm probably using generation wrong in this but probably because I'm thinking of people intermingling.

By fourth generation it's just so dilluted. None of them are really sons or ddaughters of staff members. Most of them consist of friends of 3rd gen people. I mean should I consider them staff kids then? There ARE sprinkles of staff kids... =/

In a sense I think that it dies off with the 2nd generation. The third gen seems to be closely linked where if we leave they'll leave too. In the sense of how staff kids are at least. Oy. It's probably best this way though. I consider first generation to be my brother and Michal Tu and his sister and Christina. Idk who else...uhh the twin's older brother. OH Cindy. I can't remember anyone else though; too young.

I guess this makes me sad because I kinda wish I could TA or do something to help out the school. Darn work. Grr. Maybe third term I should come in and take 4day classes so I work Fridays and Saturdays and viet school on sundays! :D

Idk. All of this seems so troubling. I owe viet school a loooot! At least for helping me in meeting people. I still remember 4th grade and meeting Phu that year. And I remmeber throwing chalk at her haha. I also remember later on with the slapping incident haha. Anyways yeah. Those are my thoughts. This may just be part one... or not. TIME TO SLEEP. NIGHT. :)

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