Sunday, December 27, 2009


So I had a realization today; call it an epiphany if you will. It was a very strange thunderstruck moment when I was driving home I'll tell you what! I realized that for the first time in a long while...I genuinely miss Phu.

Before I'd say things like "OH I MISS TALKING TO PHU!" every now and then in blogs or when I talk to like Agustin but I could get by! It was easy before knowing that in a couple months or a few weeks I'd see Phu and we'd catch up! But obviously this year is a bit more...different. By different I should probably say difficult lol. ANYWAYS. Today after talking to her on the phone while driving home I realized how much I missed Phu! And Lisa too! Although it's a bit more tolerated with Lisa because I talk to her on AIM quite a bit. WIth Phu it seems to be void of any form of contact. I guess thinking over the years I feel tired of not knowing her in a different sense other than what I know now. Like...I can't imagine her with her friends or at school or as a room-mate. Like...I can't get a sense of how she is other than how I know her. That makes me...curious. I wonder if what I really miss is that sense of knowing her. Grr.

okay BREAK! I'm eating duck right now for the third day in a row. IT'S SO DELICIOUS. But oh so fatty. Like disgustingly fatty. I just barfed some out because the fat-to-meat ratio was like 100:1 :(


Haha break out sounds like... something a 70's gang would say.

Anyways I feel a little sad that when school starts back up I most likely will not talk to Phu as much. SO SAD. Chances are we'll both be busy and I'll be dependant on her blog to see what she's up to! :/

Something I shuold note is I am actually seeing her from different perspectives. At least I'm starting to. Like I can imagine vividly how Lisa sees her as a room-mate or how a guy just meeting her could see her as attractive or how a fellow school-mate would view her. It's interesting. Maybe it's just one of the yet many signs of how much we've grown up. Oy.

Haha oy. Ron Weasley says "Oy!" :)


Good news is my ukelele is coming this week :)

Haha Phu you should feel special. This is the second blog I've done about you! Do you think I should post my super old blogs from like two years ago? xD

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